During Anywhere First Aid training sessions questions are being asked about children's general health and wellbeing. Such as when should I seek medical advice for my child or for my grandchild that I care for during the day. Starting Blocks has released some fantastic information about developmental milestones for children from birth to five years old. They have included information on when you should seek advice from your local community health worker or doctor.
Birth to 4 Months
floppy or stiff
crying a lot
arching his/her back
not responding to sounds
not showing interest or responding when played with
not feeding as expected
not starting to make sounds
not responding to familiar faces
4 to 8 Months
not learning to make sounds
not responding to familiar faces
not learning to roll when playing on the floor
not responsive to carers
not babbling and making sounds
not playing with feet/swapping objects between hands
8 to 12 Months
not responsive to carers
not babbling and making sounds
not beginning to sit, crawl, or pull to stand
not playing with feet, swapping objects between hands
not interested in holding toys
not learning to eat solids
1 to 2 years old
not using words or actions to communicate such as waving or raising arms to be lifted
not wanting to move around
not responding to others
not seeking the attention of familiar people
2 to 3 years old
is not interested in playing
is falling a lot
finds it hard to use small objects
does not understand simple instructions
is not using many words
is not joining words in meaningful phrases
is not interested in food
is not interested in others
3 to 5 years old
is not understood by others
has speech fluency problems or stammers
is not playing with other children
is not able to have a conversation
is not able to go to the toilet or wash him/herself
For more development milestones go to
Anywhere First Aid are Childcare First Aid Specialist ( we do other industries as well). Contact us for your First Aid Training, we can come to you or you can come to us.